The following list of NetWare objects applies to both NetWare bindery objects and SAP (Service Advertising Protocl) object types. While the official list is considered confidential to Novell, the following partial list has been compiled by users and from NetWare API documentation. THis list is not complete, and it's accuracy is not guaranteed. Richard D. Hornbaker [71333,1664] 01: User 02: User Group 03: Print Queue 04: File Server 05: Job Server 06: Gateway 07: Print Server 08: Archive Queue 09: Archive Server 0A: Job Queue 0B: Adminstration 21: NAS SNA Gateway 23: NACS 24: Remote Bridge Server 26: Remote Bridge Server 2 27: TCP/IP Gateway 29: EICON X25-Gateway 2D: Time Synchronization Server 2E: Archive Server Dynamic SAP 47: Advertising Print Server 4B: BTRIEVE VAP 5 4C: SQL VAP/NLM 4D: XTREE Net 50: BTRIEVE VAP 4.xx 53: Print Queue User 58: EICON Router 66: Arcserve 3.0 72: WANcopy 7A: TES Netware for VMS 92: Emerald Backup 98: NetWare Access Server 9E: Portable NW A1: Powerchute AC: Compaq IDA Status Monitor 107: RSPX Server 114: CSA MUX 115: CSA LCA 116: CSA CM 117: CSA SMA 118: CSA DBA 119: CSA NMA 11A: CSA SSA 11B: CSA STATUS 11E: CSA APPC 126: SNA TEST 12A: CSA TRACE 130: Communications Executive 133: NNS Domain 135: NNS Profile 137: NNS Queue 174: Compaq SNMP Agent 30C: HP Laserjet 3C4: Arcserve 4.0 3DE: NW SQL 4808: SiteLock 8002: Intel Netport (Print Server) 8888: Wordperfect Network Version